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The aim of the Design Thinking Workshop is to generate at least two project ideas by identifying possible project themes and objectives, stakeholders with the capacity to implement the projects, activities to be carried out to achieve the set objective using design thinking methods. At the same time, the workshop will outline the financial resources needed to implement such ideas, as well as explore the current situation relevant to the project topic, possible obstacles, and opportunities to implement such projects.

Working language: English


10.00–10.45Introduction, understanding project needs and creating teams
10.45–12.00 Quiet ideation, mapping contextual elements, stakeholder research
12.00–12.30Break (Room 121)
12.30–13.30  Project roadmap, activity plan, financial resource estimates
13.30–14.00Team presentations, closing

Signe Adamoviča

Adamoviča works at Creativity Lab and is a facilitator at Demola Latvia, where she mentors student teams and leads workshops in innovation projects that address business challenges on a daily basis. Adamoviča delivers design thinking training to different audiences in the private and public sector. Her professional experience includes both public administration and the private sector in both Latvia and abroad, including creative industries. Adamoviča is passionate about applying design thinking to problem solving and global trends.

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Charles Bušmanis

Bušmanis works with start-ups and other companies daily, sharing his experience as a designer and helping them develop their products and services. He sees design as a tool to meaningfully solve complex challenges, to research and prototype solutions to get the best possible results. As a designer, Bušmanis has worked in Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Latvia. His clients include e.ON, Dutch transport services company NS, equipment manufacturer Agiecharmilles, and Certes technologies. He has worked with many start-ups as a design consultant. Bušmanis has also worked with the public sector on social design projects and participated in various policy discussions. He runs the company Design Elevator.

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