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Professor of Law, Dr. iur. habil., Dr. rer. medic.
Judge of the Higher Social Court for the State of Saxony
Erik Hahn graduated in Law (First State Examination = J. D. equivalent) from the Leipzig University (Germany) in 2008 an finished his legal clerkship with the Second State Examination in Law (German Bar Exam) in 2011. He received a doctoral degree in Law from the Leipzig University (Dr. iur.) in 2010 and a doctoral degree in Theoretical Medicine from the Technical University of Dresden (Dr. rer. medic.) in 2021. One year later he habilitated at the Brandenburg Technical University (Germany) for the subjects Public Law, Health Law, Social Law and European Law (Dr. iur. habil.). Before he became a Professor (full) at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau / Görlitz in 2016, Erik Hahn was a Full-Professor at the North German University of Justice (since 2015), worked as a Judge at the Social Court of Dresden (since 2013) and as a Public Prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor's Office in Leipzig (since 2012). He is currently Vice-Director of the Görlitz Institute for Health, Aging, Work and Technology, co-head of the LL.M.-Program Medical Law at the Dresden International University (Associated Graduate School of the Dresden University of Technology) and Visiting Professor of Law at the Rīga Stradiņš University (2022). In addition to his professorship, he was appointed as a Judge at the Higher Social Court for the State of Saxony. His research focuses on the entire Social Law (including Basic Security and the Law of child and youth welfare, Social Security Law and Social Law Coordination), Medical and Health Law (with special consideration of digitization and European Law issues), the Law of social work and services, the Law of the health and social professions as well as the social legal issues of housing. In addition, he deals with Guardianship Law and legal issues of psychiatric care.